Re: [8lgm]-Advisory-14.UNIX.SCO-prwarn.12-Nov-1994

Robert M. Haas (
Tue, 29 Nov 1994 23:39:29 -0800

> Hmm, not exactly.  Experiments require controls and statistical bases,
> not recollection of previous events.
That doesn't necessarily follow. I'm sure no one on bugtraq or anyplace
else has done a careful statistical analysis of previous security
problems, but that's not to say it's impossible. If I had 30 years
experience as a doctor, tabulated my medical records, and found that 90%
of the people who came in with lung cancer were smokers, I could
reasonably conclude that the two were related (perhaps not causally) even
if I hadn't started out my medical career intending to do such a study.

> My key concern is that people on the net, and on these lists in
> particular, spout opinion as proven fact.  This perpetuates folklore,
> just as knocking on wood or avoiding black cats.  
How DO you intend for people to present their opinions, if not
by stating them? Nobody takes a statement of opinion (i.e. "I think that
Robert Haas is an idiot") to be a statement of fact (i.e. "research
indicates that Robert Haas has an IQ of 10"). I don't understand how the
statement that I am an idiot propagates folklore...

Besides, a lot of what people have said has been qualified by statements
like "at my site, this is what happened, and based on that, I think..."
which is perfectly valid, IMHO. At this point, the debate on this topic
has become so heated that no matter how it is eventually resolved (and
with or without facts) a lot of people will be unhappy. Maybe we should
stop asking (as 8lgm apparently has) "which one is better for the
security of the Internet at large?" (which may be undecidable) and 
instead ask "which one will make fewer people unhappy?" (which may be
something we can reasonably hope to figure out in some finite period of

> We have no general evidence to prove in any real way that full disclosre 
> helps/hurts more people than it hurts/helps.  We have no evidence that 
> full disclosure hastens/delays release of a fix.  And we have no evidence
> that the majority of "black hats" know and use all of these flaws before 
> they are publicly announced (although there is some partial evidence to the
> countrary). 
Well, if we have no evidence... then how come you are taking a position
on the issue at all? If you really believe that there is no evidence on
either side, then you can't legitimately take sides. It looks to me like
you are taking sides (but hey, that's just my opinion) in which case you
must be offering an opinion. This strikes me a rather similar to what you
were telling the rest of us not to do.
